Tank’s story should have a better ending (Opinion)
What would you do if your dog got loose and bit a neighbor? How far would you go to save it? Not far enough in the story of "Tank" the three year old American Bully who was ordered euthanized eight months after biting a neighbor who tried to put a leash on him after he got loose and entered his property. I haven't seen any other biting incidents from the dog who was then taken away and put in a kennel where he still resides while the clock ticks. It seems to me this wasn't an attack by the dog as much as it was a defense.
In order to get Tank returned to the family, the judge set several conditions, including that the owners build an enclosed kennel that Tank could not escape, and that the dog be microchipped and neutered. The owner Deborah Schwadtke would also need to get a $1 million liability insurance policy, and post signage on her property warning about the dog, according to the New Jersey Herald. These conditions could not be met despite money being raised by neighbors who were willing to help.
At Tuesday's hearing, according to the North Jersey Herald, Municipal Prosecutor Alicia Ferrante who was accompanied by Vernon Animal Control Officer James Epperly said that all possible avenues had been exhausted, did they try the North Shore Animal League who takes in dogs? What about all the no kill shelters in the area or even farther away? I just cannot believe no one will take Tank.
Tank's owner has requested that she and her five children get one last visit with the dog at the Vernon Animal Control Facility before it is put down. I can't imagine how it's going to be for these kids who will now see the dog that they love one last time muzzled before he will be put down. This is truly a heartbreaking situation.
What we learn from this is how important it is to keep your dog on your property. I once spent over $5000 to keep my dog Ziggy who was part pit from getting out. Now my dog Fluffy benefits from that. When you see stories like this, it's worth every penny.
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