It's that simple.

Forcing kids to wear masks in school is unnecessary and has no basis in science.

None of the facts support this, anywhere.

When Georgia opened school last year, the media scrambled to find the one kid who got sick and tested positive.

When Sweden kept the schools open for 1.8 million kids, without distance or masks, and not one kid died with COVID, the media scrambled to attack Sweden as irresponsible. Even President Trump criticized the Swedish response to COVID.

Now we know beyond any doubt that Sweden got it right. My post from April 2020 opposing lockdowns has aged very well.

Then a year later this past April, I posted links to articles from experts saying the same thing about the success in Sweden and the absurdity of tying a vaccine to reopening. Even though the spread of the mild cold virus called "Delta" or "Delta plus" is unrelated to any reality of sickness among kids, actually nearly irrelevant among adults as well.

Did you know that a quick online search reveals that there are more than 20,000 people in NJ hospitals, with only 400 testing positive for COVID. That's less than 2%. So 98% of the hospitalizations have nothing to do with COVID. Yet it is the thing that dominates the news cycle.

We hear politicians from both sides of the aisle buying into the vaccine push as well. This despite the fact that if you look at the "curve" of infections, hospitalizations and deaths, it was flat everywhere long before we had any significant distribution of the vaccine. Florida, Texas, Sweden, South Korea just to name a few, open and nearly virus free, all before the vaccine.

But the push continues and the media flat out ignores the incredibly high number of adverse reactions.

More than 10,000 reported deaths with a half a million reactions, many which resulted in serious illness and complications, following the jab. And these numbers are from the U.S. Government reporting system.

Beyond the bullying on an unnecessary vaccine, there's the issue of the masks.

As far as children are concerned, masking is not only useless but poses threats. The absurdity of thinking it's healthy for kids as young as 3 wearing a snot-filled rag on their face that obstructs breathing belongs in satire, not as an official CDC recommendation.

The idea that the mask is being used as a protective measure until a vaccine is available for young children is even more absurd.

Kids are literally near-immune from symptoms from COVID, let alone being in any danger of hospitalizations and deaths. This is backed up by actual medical science from some of the leading doctors in the world. Although social media tends to ban them when they speak out.

Here's the pull quote that got Dr. Martin Kulldorff canceled on YouTube:

"The ostensibly objectionable remark came from Harvard Professor Martin Kulldorff: 'Children should not wear face masks,' he said. 'They don’t need it for their own protection and they don’t need it for protecting other people either.'

Kulldorff and others were addressing the distressing reality that children in many jurisdictions are masked, on the streets and in classrooms, despite presenting nearly zero risk of severe outcomes from Covid-19 and in the face of substantial evidence that children do not often spread the disease."

There are potential long-term risks for kids and we know that the bacteria and fungal growth aren't safe for anyone.

The good news is that attorney Bruce Afran is taking the governor to court to stop forced masks on kids this fall and attorney Dana Wefer is taking on new clients to push back against employer mandates. On the medical side locally, Dr. Craig Wax continues to spread truth and stand up for NJ kids.

Dr. Wax joined me on the show this week to help you regain your body autonomy and health freedom.

If you want more information about living healthy and standing up for medical freedom, please visit the doc's website here.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.

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NJ arrests 31 accused child predators in "Operation 24/7"

A roundup of 31 men have been accused of sexually exploiting children online, state Attorney General Gurbir Grewal announced on July 14 while detailing "Operation 24/7."

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