Should your kids learn about weed at 8 years old? (Opinion)
There's at least one assemblyman — Erik Simonsen, R-Cape May — who thinks we should teach kids the adverse effects of marijuana on the human body starting in the 3rd grade. We have tried the DARE Program for a few decades now with no effect or perhaps a negative result by introducing something to kids at a young age that they wouldn't normally be exposed to in general.
While I understand Mr. Simonsen's concern, here is yet another issue of subject which is the purview of the parents or guardians of the kids. If you want to include it in an age-appropriate health class along with the warnings about the over use of other legal drugs like ibuprofen, acetaminophen, cold medicines, alcohol, etc., that's great. A brief chapter on the dangers of all of these makes sense.
Since recreational marijuana use will now be legal, lawmakers who want to show their disapproval or hedge their bets on the new policy are scrambling to find ways to pass laws showing how much they care about our kids. They're OUR kids. Not the state's or the school districts'. Enough with the "feel good", "it's for the children" phony BS laws that choke our legislative process and invade and complicate our family lives.
If you really want to teach kids things that are important to a happy, health, successful future, teach them more American history and civics. Instruct them on taxes, investing, realistic career choices, college debt, finance, etc.
We all know you have to fill up your time in the Legislature with busy work because most of your colleagues won't work with you on fixing the real problems that make this state unaffordable. So, do what many of New Jerseyans have already done or are planning to do — get out! Don't worry; your two pensions with follow you to more affordable states.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.