Seaside prepares Trump rally as his approval rating is lowest in Gallup’s history
A new Gallup poll is out on President Donald Trump. If you're one of those Trump-can-do-no-wrong types you're already screaming FAKE NEWS in your head before you even read the numbers. For a new president so early in their first term, Trump has the lowest approval rating of all the time Gallup has been tracking the issue. That's since 1945. His approval rating stands at 37 percent. At this same point in their first terms George W. Bush was in the mid 50's and Barack Obama was in the low 60's.
Not much has gone right for him. A travel ban that has twice been stopped by high courts. A repeal and replace health plan that has even Republicans sweating. Mostly though he's hurting himself with constant conspiracy theories and outright lies. He received a major smackdown this week with FBI Director James Comey's testimony before the U.S. House of Representatives that A) Trump's associates were indeed under investigation for contact with Russia during his campaign and B) No, there was in fact zero reason to believe Trump told the truth about being wiretapped by the previous administration.
At the same time, those with their heads so far up Trump's butt that they wear it like Packers fans wear cheeseheads are expected to march Saturday in Seaside Heights, NJ. A number of pro-Trump marches are to be taking place in dozens of states as an answer to the March for Women held in D.C. and around the country the weekend of Trump's inauguration. You can read more about that here.
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