Raising money for recovery — ‘Faux Chella’ is a huge success
Over the weekend I had a great opportunity to emcee along with Jessica Nutt, at the annual "Rock the Farm" event for our friends at CFC Loud&Clear. The event, called "Faux Chella," was a huge success!
Thousands turned out to support the cause of raising money for recovery. With the politicians paying lip service to the crisis as the problems worsens, groups like CFC are getting involved directly. They've helped save thousands of people escape addiction over the years and the fight continues. Daniel Regan and his mom Lynn have been a true inspiration to thousands of families across the Garden state as they struggle to save their relatives and friends.
It was an honor to take the stage with some outstanding bands who played throughout the day from noon until late night. We had an unbelievable weather day in Seaside Heights and Jessica and I are already looking forward to next year! Of course we did make sure to get in the crowd selfie!
Enjoy the pics, courtesy of our own Toniann Antonelli.
Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015. Tweet him @NJ1015 or @BillSpadea.
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