Only certain voices are welcome at TCNJ (Opinion)
Another April and another act of vandalism against pro-life students' display at The College of New Jersey. It's happened in 2014 and 2015. It happened last April and again this past week. Students who believe in the sanctity of human life put up signs and flags where they were permitted to do so, had them vandalized again. You can be pro-life or pro-abortion and see that some causes just don't rate on college campuses. If this were destruction of property and vandalism of ANY other cause, there would be wide-spread media coverage and a swift and strong response from the college administration. But this is a handful of "religious nut" kids who were brainwashed by their parents, in the mind of the college crowd, who don't matter.
In fact the common belief on this and most campuses in the country is that their point of view is anti-woman and evil. Therefore they deserve to be disrespected and their message mocked and destroyed. College campuses should be a space for open exchange of ideas and provide an opportunity for learning about things in a broad perspective. Clearly it's not. There is an orthodoxy of thought and belief that is more zealously adhered to than many religions, and if you're outside of those beliefs, you're a heretic. You're evil and don't deserve the respect and protection the rest of the "correct thinking" people on the faculty or student body should be afforded.
These students did not put up anything negative, graphic or threatening in their displays, but they were treated with gross disrespect and disdain. As usual the people who preach tolerance are the least tolerant among us, and prove it on college campuses every day.
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