Oh, Please! — Assemblyman flag controversy is ‘yet another reason to be offended’
A North Jersey Assemblyman most of us have never heard of is in hot water with the over-sensitivity police.
Parker Space sounds like a new condo complex or recreation area in an affluent area, but it's actually the name of the newest Republican villain. He represents the 24th district in Sussex, parts of Warren and a small part of Morris County.
His big sin? He posed with a mock confederate flag with the picture of Hank Williams Jr. on it at an outdoor concert in NY State over the weekend.
Gasp! He must be a racist! That's offensive! To whom? For what?
It's a promotional banner for a country singer that loves the South. He's at the guys concert. He's a fan. Does it mean he's a white nationalist or he hates minorities or he secretly wishes the South had won the war between the states. Probably not.
But if he does something that proves any of those awful things in office or in his life, then vote him out. But in the meantime everyone needs to chill the F@%$ out and stop these childish over-reactions to everything someone does.
Politics is a nasty, dirty game that has turned many Americans/New Jerseyans from even participating. Of course his Democratic opponents are using this to win favor in the next election.
Shameful and pathetic, but par for the course in New Jersey....and most of America. Unfortunately!
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