So now that Halloween has come and gone, you're probably not thinking about ghosts any more. But the fact is, ghosts are more likely to be visiting you now than on the Eve of Halloween.

Why? Because they're too busy on Halloween! Scaring kids, haunting hayrides, and just generally hanging around and being nuisances...

Okay so I'm only kidding. But there are plenty of grown-ass people here in New Jersey who are absolutely not!

In fact, there are more people interested in the paranormal--and in ghosts in general--than ever before. Just watch the Destination America channel and you'll see what I mean; Hours of Ghost-fearing programming. I've got a theory about this.

In this country, the percentage of people who live faith-based lives is at an almost all-time low. More atheists, more ghosts. The less people have religion in a society, the more they believe in ghosts. Because you know, we're human. We gotta believe in something!
Let's say you do bump into a ghost in your house, would you know what to do or say?

According to a ghost expert/whisperer who spoke to New Jersey 101.5, this is the etiquette you should follow.

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