No NJ statute of limitations on murder, or parking tickets
There aren't many offenses in New Jersey that don't expire under a statute of limitations. Murder and parking tickets are among them.
You'd think the point of the judicial system would be to meter out justice. But Jim Gearhart says municipal courts are nothing but a cash grab — and he'd got the stories to back it up.
"Even a blind pig can find an occasional acorn, so there might be some justice coming out of a municipal court — but it's to make money," Jim says in the latest installment of the Jim Gearhart Show podcast, available here as well on iTunes and Google Play.
So perhaps it's good news New Jersey is considering dismissing 800,000 outstanding warrants for local violations and parking tickets. After all, you wouldn't want to wind up with a suspended license — which, Jim says, you're lucky if the state tells you happened.
Chief state Supreme Court Justice Stuart Rabner’s order this month says old warrants “raise questions of fairness, the appropriate use of limited public resources by law enforcement and the courts, the ability of the state to prosecute cases successfully in light of how long matters have been pending and the availability of witnesses, and administrative efficiency.”
The warrants being considered are at least 15 years old and include 355,619 for parking tickets and 348,631 tickets for moving violations. The rest are for minor local offenses.
That's a lot of money to leave on the table.
That just gets Jim started in the latest edition of the Jim Gearhart show. Check out the full episode to hear the rest. And Email Jim at
The Jim Gearhart Podcast is available every week on New Jersey 101.5 and in the New Jersey 101.5 app. You can also subscribe with your favorite podcasting app for iPhones, Android devices or your computer:
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— Townsquare Media staff
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