NJCTS holds fifth annual advocacy walk
The New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome is gearing up for its largest annual fundraiser this weekend in Mendham.
The NJ Walks for TS at Mendham, which is a 5K walk and family run, takes place on Saturday, November 15 at Borough Park, Mountain Ave., Mendham.
Spokesperson Nicole Greco said that the event raises money for the NJCTS education outreach program, which trains nurses and teachers around the state, along with providing peer training and anti-bullying sessions.
"This program has reached over 60,000 educators in New Jersey over the years," Greco said.
NJCTS is a non-profit devoted to the advocacy of children and families with Tourette Syndrome and its associated disorders.
TS affects nearly one in 100 kids in the Garden State.
"As many as 28,000 children in New Jersey, under 18, show symptoms of Tourette Syndrome," she said.
Greco said that Tourette Syndrome is often misunderstood.
"It's used for comic relief in movies. There's misunderstood portrayals. There is a lot misunderstood, misrepresented facts about the disorder," she explained.
The center continually works to recognize, diagnose, treat and understand the complexities of TS.
"The overall mission of the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome is to develop, deliver, and innovate programs that benefit the lives of people living with Tourette Syndrome and to benefit the professionals that serve them," Greco said.
For information about this great New Jersey non-profit and the NJ Walks for TS, visit the New Jersey Center for Tourette Syndrome website and Facebook page.