NJ towns where people are more (and less) likely to cheat on you
When you think about dating someone from New Jersey, what kind of person comes to mind? It’s either a family-oriented, loving and loyal person or a quick-talking, shady kind of character that’s bound to cheat. Obviously, those two types of individuals can be lurking in any city in the country. That’s why I think that what I’m about to tell you is so interesting.
In an eye-opening new study, a matchmaking platform called mydatingadviser.com has decided to compile a ranking of the most unfaithful cities in the U.S.
They studied 200 metropolitan areas. These are some of the largest cities in the U.S. and they were studied across the following categories: relationship satisfaction, life satisfaction, cheating intent, and affair activities.
To determine the most unfaithful cities in the nation, Amy Pritchett, editor in chief at MyDatingAdviser.com, said:
“Using data from the U.S. Census Bureau, we calculated something that we’ve dubbed the Infidelity Index for 200 major U.S. cities.”
They compared 200 of the largest metro areas across four key dimensions: Relationship Satisfaction, Life Satisfaction, Infidelity Intent, Affair Activities.
The study also took into account interesting data points like marriage rate, divorce rate, separation rate, number of cafes and bars, and how often people search for affair hookup websites on Google.
Their most interesting findings showed the two NJ cities where people are most likely to be faithful. Those are Paterson (ranked 34th most faithful) and Newark (111th).
These results may surprise those who may have thought that these densely populated urban centers wouldn't be on the top of this list, but when you think about close neighbors, close families, diverse ethnic communities, and how they historically value family, it’s really not surprising. Their research also identified the most unfaithful city in the state, Jersey City (ranked 49th most unfaithful). Why would that be?
One theory is that no longer the blue-collar, hardscrabble town it used to be, Jersey City is now filled with young transplants or those looking to make a new life for themselves. Fewer roots, perhaps. More transients. Is it possible that the segment of the population tends to be more self-consumed?
For those looking for a relationship and thinking they might find a more loyal partner in another state, be warned. Dallas, Texas is not the place to look. At number one on the most unfaithful list is Dallas.
Dallas has:
Marriage Rate of 47%
Divorce Rate: 12%
Separation Rate: 2%
Happiness Index: 49.00
Google Search Interest for an Affair: 32.85
Run all the numbers and according to their “Infidelity Index,” you better keep a close eye on your Dallas partner.
On the other end of the spectrum, Pasadena, California might be a great place to look for a significant other. It’s the number one most faithful city in the U.S. of the 200 studied, according to their metrics.
Pasadena has:
Marriage Rate of 56%
Divorce Rate: 9%
Separation Rate: 1%
Happiness Index: 63.82
Google Search Interest for an Affair: 11.43
You can find the most unfaithful cities in the U.S. study HERE. And the whole study, including all 200 metros, HERE.
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Judi Franco only.
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