NJ restaurant owner leads Hoboken’s fight against rats
Rats have been around forever and probably always will be. That doesn't mean they’re not gross or shouldn’t try to exterminate them.
Hoboken has had a particularly bad problem with them, but steps are being taken to fight the vermin. There is even a Facebook page: Rat Free Hoboken.
One restaurant owner has taken the lead in fighting back. According to TapInto Hoboken, Frank Palmisano, owner of Il Tavano on Clinton Street, has been rat-proofing his establishment and is offering his expertise to any other business that wants it.
He told TapInto,
There were never any rats inside, I kept the inside impeccably clean,” said Palmisano. “But it reflects badly on your restaurant if rats are seen outside it. So I wanted to do something about it.
According to the report, he spent over $1,000 and a lot of hours addressing any problems he could.
He put mesh wire up to cut off a possible entry point under the steps, bought trash cans with close-top lids, and sealed up holes in the pavement.
It’s worked so far, as he hasn’t seen a rat near his business all summer. He is also willing to meet with any restaurant owner to help them implement the same measures.
He says the city administration is helping the cause,
They’re doing what they can. Can they do more? Sure. Rats have always been around and they always will. They’re just showing their faces more recently.
Rats are omnivorous and will eat anything they can find, including food, garbage, and even feces. They are also known for their ability to spread diseases, such as rat-bite fever, salmonellosis, and leptospirosis.
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Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Doyle only.
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