NJ politicians wasting time on stupid $#&*… again! (Opinion)
People who have entered the country or remain in the country illegally are referred to as illegal aliens and have been for years.
A few idiots in the New Jersey Legislature are looking to change the term to “undocumented foreign nationals." Like that would minimize the fact that they broke our immigration laws and are not here legally.
The left is interested in semantics and feelings and not facts and the rule of law. A bill looking to officially change the terminology was advanced via a 4-0 vote in committee. That committee is the State Government, Wagering, Tourism, and Historic Preservation Committee. What the hell does that have to do with illegal immigrants and what we call them?
Once again, rather than tackle the real issues and problems facing real families in New Jersey who pay the taxes for their nonsense, they’d rather focus on stupid $#!&. It’s virtue signaling, it’s pandering, it’s tiresome, it’s old, and it’s @#$%ing stupid.
While the vote is still in the hands of legal New Jersey residents we have to make sure we vote these subversive virtue-signaling idiots out of office.
If they want to propose meaningful legislation, vote to advance a bill that would do something about our outrageous property taxes, over-regulation, and heinously burdensome government that costs all of us dearly who pay the freight.
Much of the Legislature in New Jersey is no better than criminals. Maybe we should rename “the New Jersey Legislature“ the “unindicted thieves who rob us blind every year."
Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy only.
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