NJ police department in Lip Sync Challenge
If you opened this hoping to see your own local police officers busting a move lip syncing to Vanilla Ice, you're out of luck unless you live in Millville. The police department posted this on their Facebook page. Remember the Ice Bucket Challenge or the 22 Pushup Challenge? It's a bit like that.
The Lip Sync Challenge has been going on since June. Police Departments around the country record their officers in lip sync videos and post them to social media and they challenge other departments to do the same. It's a way for them to connect with their communities, show them as human beings and not just badges, and boost morale in their own departments as well.
This time it was Millville, NJ's turn. They busted out Aha, Michael Jackson, Twisted Sister and more along with some, eh, questionable, dance moves. In spirit they get an A+. As far as talent? Let's just say guys, we need you on your day jobs! But judge for yourself. Now Millville has challenged Vineland and Bridgeton along with the Cumberland County Sheriff's Office. We'll see if they rise to the challenge.
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