NJ GOP must oppose sanctuary state or voters will stay home (Opinion)
As I make my way around the state visiting every county, supporting small businesses, and promoting local candidates we've seen the best and worst the Republican Party has to offer.
Some of the strongest GOP leaders are in southern New Jersey. Unfortunately, the GOP-majority Board of Commissioners is not currently among the best examples of leadership.
Voters will be making a big decision on local and legislative races in just a few short weeks as we head toward the second "Murphy Midterms". One of the big issues facing our state is the flood of illegal migrants.
Illegal migrants is a major issue
New York City is buckling under the pressure of tens of thousands of illegals. Housing, sanitation, medical care, and schools pose a financial burden that New York is ill-equipped to handle. As a result, the mayor is ordering cuts in city agencies. including police and fire to reserve money to meet the estimated $12 BILLION cost.
We are at a crisis level
As a result, New Yorkers will now potentially be denied services to accommodate people who have illegally entered the country. How many have criminal records? How many are linked to terror organizations? Given the hundreds of thousands of illegals crossing into our country monthly, we are at a crisis level.
We're seeing a rise in crime and given the call for a "day of rage" by a Hamas founder against Americans and Jewish people, there is a crisis brewing. The catch-and-release process at the border because we don't have the capacity to process the volume is exacerbating the crisis.
They put our communities in danger
The underlying problem is that politicians like Gov. Murphy have put our communities in direct danger by calling our state a sanctuary for illegals. No vetting, no background knowledge, and no legal status to enter, yet the New Jersey governor has left the light on for illegals with the promise of housing, free education, and even a New Jersey driver's license.
How did Murphy get re-elected?
As we know, one of the reasons Murphy got re-elected is the GOP candidate for governor in 2021 actually SUPPORTED the idea of giving illegals driver's licenses. So, voters rightly concluded that there wasn't much difference between the two.
Back to Atlantic County, the Board of Commissioners, led by Republicans, failed to even get a "second" for a motion offered to end the state's sanctuary policies. This was after many local leaders rallied to prevent thousands of illegals from being sent to the Atlantic City airport.
We deserve strong leaders
Imagine the GOP asking for votes on November 7, 2023, and lacking the courage even to discuss the illegal migrant problem in public. Voters deserve strong leaders. Leaders that we see in Ocean County and in Sussex County.
In Ocean, where the Republicans are led by strong, capable, and courageous chairman George Gilmore, they actually sued the state over the sanctuary policy which has clearly endangered local communities and put a strain on our already bloated and out-of-control budget and debt load.
In Sussex, where the county GOP is led by courageous, patriotic, smart veteran Joe Labarbera, the GOP led the way to have the county support cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
We know what leadership looks like. And we know what strong men and women can deliver for voters and citizens across New Jersey. We also know when weakness and cowardice in the face of adversity do.
New Jersey residents are out — unless we act
New Jersey is facing a fiscal crisis and a public safety crisis. Our government is failing to deliver basic services with a broken MVC, DOE, and DOL. Our government pushes radical agendas on our kids and is actively suing to keep parents out of the conversation.
Our aging transportation and energy infrastructure are in need of a major investment while our government plays games with wind and electric vehicles, including proposing bans on gas cars and stoves. All of this has created a crisis of public confidence leading to many New Jerseyans having an exit plan.
The way to reverse the madness is to elect competent, strong leaders willing to stand up to the extremists and provide a voice for the community.
With the Democrats in New Jersey off the deep end, the GOP is the alternative. But the GOP needs to earn that place in the minds of voters. If Republicans show the weakness on full display in the Atlantic County GOP leadership, voters will simply stay home.
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Gallery Credit: New Jersey 101.5
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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