New Jersey soldier gives his thoughts on Capitol protest (Opinion)
The protest at the capital was an attack on our democracy. Regardless of how you feel about an election, you don't vent your frustration at the place that makes our country work. Of course, you also don't burn down cities and loot businesses that people work so hard for trying to survive in a pandemic. It seems like protests have become the normal response for those who don't get their way.
I kept hearing numerous politicians as I watched the images saying, "this is not who we are." Like in their minds we're supposed to be some kind of Norman Rockwell painting of what America's supposed to be. It's time they take a more realistic look.
Among the many people calling my show to talk about the events of the day was Jason from Riverside, a soldier who had been discussing the protests of the summer with his fellow soldiers and after seeing the protest at the Capitol Wednesday, Jan 6 and told me:
"My saddest thing is after seeing today is it put a lot of fear into us," Jason said during his call into my show. "We're afraid after seeing today if things continue like this it could get even worse and we could have the possibility of maybe another civil war happening."
I asked Jason, as a soldier willing to put his life on the line serving both Iraq and Afghanistan for his country, how he felt about seeing the capital of his country being stormed.
"Honestly I felt like every individual who made the ultimate sacrifice to preserve the republic and what we have today was completely dishonored and disgraced and all the families of those individuals who are still surviving today saw that. I think it's just complete disdain and dishonor and a disservice to all those individuals who made the ultimate sacrifice for the liberties and freedoms that we have right now."
Thank you for your service Jason and all who serve with him. It's our obligation as those being protected to give them a society worth protecting, regardless of your political views.
The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Steve Trevelise. Any opinions expressed are Steve's own. Steve Trevelise is on New Jersey 101.5 Monday-Thursday from 7pm-11pm. Follow him on Twitter @realstevetrev.