New Jersey schools are getting nuttier by the day
First let me say that there are many hard working dedicated education professionals working in New Jersey public schools, and they earn every penny of their money every day!
My head would explode if I worked there and my sincerest congratulations and respect go out to most of you. The nudnicks in charge... eh, not so much.
These are the people at the very top making policy and avoiding responsibility in many cases for making tough decisions like the administrators of yore did when I was growing up. Things were simpler then and the rules were clearer, both the rules of life and rules in school.
Take this latest example out of Hackettstown High School. This is why if I were a teacher today I would choke myself with chalk, throw myself down the longest staircase in school and if I were still alive impale myself on a javelin in the gym (if those are still allowed at schools)!
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