🚗 Gas prices are down since the Fourth of July holiday

🚗 New Jersey prices are still lower than most of the rest of the country


Very slowly but surely, New Jersey gas prices have decreased in the last week.

As of July 17, according to AAA Northeast, this week's gas price is $3.50 in comparison to last week's $3.51, making the national average of $3.56 six cents more expensive.

"Gas demand has fallen nearly 10 percent since the holiday, as folks have returned to their day-to-day driving routines," AAA Northeast spokesman Robert Sinclair Jr. said. "Typically, this would lower gas prices, but such a move is being countered for now by the increasing cost for oil, the main ingredient in gasoline."

AAA Northeast/Canva
AAA Northeast/Canva

This may not seem like a big difference, but the numbers from last year say otherwise. According to AAA Northeast, New Jersey's average gas price this time last year was $1.10 higher at $4.60. However, it did rise from last month's average of $3.47.

On the contrary, surrounding states such as New York and Pennsylvania saw no change to their gas prices over the past week. AAA Northeast reports that New York remained at a steady $3.67 and Pennsylvania stayed put at $3.61. However, like New Jersey, Connecticut also saw a one penny decrease from $3.62 to $3.61.

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