Need a job in New Jersey?
As The Beatles sang on Abbey Road "out of college money spent, see no future pay no rent, all the money;s gone nowhere to go," many millennials in New Jersey find themselves in the same situation. The good news is that New Jersey has added 5,300 private sector jobs over the past month at places like Amazon, Home Depot, and the casino industry with more to come. They may not be what you went to school for but they are money and could start you off on a career journey you may not have expected.
Amazon plans to hire 2,500 people in New Jersey as part of a nationwide expansion of 100,000 jobs, they're talking full time, full benefit jobs for people with all levels of skill and education. They also provide on the job training.
Home Depot has already hired as many as 1,650 part time and seasonal workers over the past two months. The casino industry has about 830 positions available in Atlantic City with 518 of them full time. These may not be the jobs that you dreamed of, but they could be the jobs that make your dreams come true as you pay off those loans and either find what you're looking for or grow where you are.
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