Message for those in NJ who only want that perfect first job
Think back for a moment to that first time you entered the workforce. Was it a defining moment in your life?
For a large majority of us, it was. Most of us in New Jersey probably started working somewhere around 16 years old, give or take.
But for exciting as it was to have that first job, it probably wasn't glamorous. I know my first job certainly wasn't.
Although at the same time, I did work with some very nice and interesting people. I started my first job at the age of 16 as a supermarket carriage collector.
Simply put, I would have to collect the carts from the parking lot and keep the front of the store clean. I also had to handle emptying the garbage when needed, including trash left in carts.
Was it a perfect first job? Absolutely not. But it taught me responsibility, and I'm glad to have had that not-so-perfect job throughout my high school years.
At no point did I moan about cold nights or hot days. And if it rained? So be it. It was my first job that wasn't meant to be a career.
Fast forward to today and boy have times changed. Now to be clear, not all younger people in New Jersey are demanding that perfect first job. In fact, a bunch do still take pride in it.
But it does seem like more and more simply do not want to handle the nitty-gritty that comes with a first job. Do the garbage? No way!
Not only that, but today's minimum wage of over $15 per hour is a far cry from what it was not that long ago. And to be honest, taking out the trash for that pay rate doesn't sound so bad.
Unfortunately, some won't even do that. And you what's going to happen? Automation will eventually take your job, and it won't complain one bit.
My old job is now more automated with robotic cart pushers. And it's getting paid $0 per hour to do the work.
When I did it, it was $6 per hour. And honestly? That was a decent amount above the minimum wage for the time.
But again, I didn't care that it wasn't perfect. I cared that I had a job. And those entering the workforce for the first time should feel the same way.
So for those who are holding out on insisting on having that perfect first job, here's a little message for you. Suck it up, and take the offer.
You're not entitled anymore than the next person, and not every job will be glamorous. It's not meant to be, especially when you're first starting out.
In fact, that negative mindset can also affect unemployment throughout the state. And just to show, here's what New Jersey's unemployment rates currently look like in all 21 counties. Are you part of it?
LOOK: Counties with the highest unemployment in New Jersey
Gallery Credit: Stacker
If you're entitled...
Please don't contribute to a higher unemployment rate because you think you're above the rest of us. Take that first job and help us keep those numbers down.
If you don't, then automation will eventually help The Garden State's numbers out instead. And if that happens, you'll never have a shot to get that perfect role you so desire down the road.
So suck it up, accept the position, and learn that you have to earn the opportunities you want. It's not to sound mean, it's just reality.
The 99 top paying jobs in New Jersey
The above post reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 Sunday morning host Mike Brant. Any opinions expressed are his own.