Lowered speed limits result in revenue spike for NJ town
North Haledon has seen a big spike in speeding tickets after lowering some speed limits in town and the increased number of tickets has also meant a revenue boom. In an article on NorthJersey.com, a year to year to comparison shows that in 2018, between February 15th and June 30th, the borough wrote 13 tickets; this year that number skyrocketed to 148.
Portions of four county roads in the Passaic County town saw stricter speed limits put into place this year, and borough officials told NorthJersey.com that people should get upset about it, considering that the public was given plenty of advance notice and that they always have the option of not speeding. Also, the police chief told the website that the limits were reduced not to raise revenue but for public safety, citing pedestrians being hit in recent years, a problem that wasn’t because drivers were exceeding the speed limit, but that the limits were too high to begin with.
Further, the town says that all revenue collected via the fines is shared with both the county and the state; the fines vary from $85 to $420 depending on the severity of the speeding infraction. The mayor, Randy George, told NorthJersey.com that the township is considering lowering speed limits on municipal roads next.
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