One thing I love about my town of Freehold is the people are solid, and kind. This includes the children (I believe they are the future).

I feel qualified to say this because for years I worked as a counselor at Freehold Rec. Camp. Good kids (for the most part) and, a great town.

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Canva / TSM Illustration

I’ll never be one of those “get off my lawn” types who bashes the younger generation as lazy. If kids don’t go outside as much it’s partly because parents tend to not them out of their sight today. It’s not the kids’ fault.
But there is one thing I do recognize that doesn’t happen much anymore and I think that needs to change.

When it snows deep enough, kids being go-getters to get a buck are rarely seen anymore.

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Luckily, I don’t have to worry about snow in the driveway. Shout out to Connor, the teen who lives down the street to take care of us.

He doesn’t ask for any money (though he IS paid), and he always does a bang-up job.

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Canva / TSM Illustration

I wish more kids would get out in the winter and do this kind of thing.

It not only helps homeowners, but it’s also great exercise and teaches kids responsibility. Plus the money they make hustling can’t hurt, am I right?

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Canva / TSM Illustration

I feel it somehow makes a street more of a neighborhood when you have kids that do this. So what about where you live?

Do kids still do this? I’m thinking it’s become rare but hoping I’m wrong. Take our poll and let me know.

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Canva / TSM Illustration

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The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5's Kylie Moore. Any opinions expressed are Kylie's own. You can follow Kylie on Instagram.
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