Jimmy Kimmel is a ‘cry-baby, snowflake, wannabe political pundit’
It’s one thing to have to go to a rock concert and hear the music interspersed with political innuendo. We’ve all become accustomed to that and have sort of gotten used to it —particularly since there’s still a good hour and a half to two hours of music to offset the lecturing and the soapbox.
But I’m sorry. Jimmy Kimmel has three minutes to talk to us at the beginning of every show and now it’s become his little political soapbox for his cause-du-jour. I tune in to the late-night shows to laugh a little, to be entertained (rarely to be informed) and definitely not to be force-fed ideology. Jimmy Kimmel is a sneak.
The wealthier and we’re successful he has become, the more this former radio DJ feels it is his job to educate us on everything that is wrong with America. He has now cemented himself in history as the crybaby snowflake wannabe political pundit on a late night non-political gabfest. Blah, blah, blah.
Kudos to the REAL Jimmy (Fallon) for resisting the urge to do the same. From now on, that’s the only late night TV I can stomach.
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