Jameson Irish Whiskey giving away Irish whiskey Christmas trees
Considering the year that we’ve had in 2020 I have found one great suggestion in decorating your home this year. The makers of Jameson Irish whiskey are giving away seven, 8 foot 6 inch “whiskey" trees, each one made up entirely of 130 empty Jameson Irish whiskey bottles.
It’s a tree of beauty. All you have to do to win one is write in to Jameson on why you deserve a whiskey tree.
Now I have been known to partake in a glass or two of the Irish magic every once in a while and I’m upset that I didn’t think of this first. I certainly could have kept the empties made by myself and friends who have joined me for a wee-bit of the smooth drink.
I could have had enough bottles to recreate the 75 foot spruce tree that will grace Rockefeller Center. Can you imagine? A 75 foot tree made up of thousands of Jameson Irish whiskey bottles, people would come from throughout the world to see such a majestic object.
A Jameson Irish whiskey tree would be a great display for those who have a sense of humor. Some would call this a tacky tree, I can understand that, others would say that it pays homage to their favorite whiskey, I certainly can understand that and others could care less, and I hear them too.
Through this pandemic I’ve been looking for great distractions to help forget the difficult time that most of my friends and family are experiencing. Looking for a little relief, an 8 foot 6 inch tree made up of whiskey bottles is a small fun distraction.
I’m writing in to Jameson so I can win and give it to someone who could use a bigger enjoyable distraction than me. The next time you’re drinking your favorite Irish whiskey Jameson, remember you could be creating a masterpiece with the empties.
Good luck and Merry Christmas.
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