Think about how much easier life is thanks to the United States Postal Service. Order something online and have a postal carrier leave it in your mail box days latter. I even have a buddy that mails his clothes to his vacation destination to make his travel easier.

As convenient as the mail system can be, we can't just drop anything in the mail and send it on it's way. Here are 5 items that are banned from being mailed in New York State.

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518 news, items that are banned from mailing in New York, fruit
Photo by Thomas Grübler on Unsplash

FRESH FRUIT - According to the United States Postal Service, fruits, vegtables and other perishable food items are nonbailable.

518 news, ammunition
Photo by Kasper Gant on Unsplash

AMMUNITION - According to the United States Postal Inspection Service, ammunition designed to be fired is prohibited from mailing. Under federal law, it is illegal to send these types of ammunition, domestically or internationally, via the U.S. Mail.

518 news, marijuana
Photo by Ndispensable on Unsplash

MARIJUANA - According to nuggmd and the DEA, cannabis is classified as a scheduled drug under the Controlled Substances Act, which ultimately makes it illegal to mail.

518 News, fireworks
Getty Images

FIREWORKS - According to the United States Postal Inspection Service, fireworks are illegal to ship through the United States Postal Service.

518 News, airbag
Getty Images

AIRBAGS - According to the United States Postal Service, airbags are banned from being sent via U.S. Mail.

518 news, handgun
Photo by Thomas Tucker on Unsplash

HANDGUN - According to the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, handguns are not mailable. A common or contract carrier must be used to ship a handgun.

518 news, liquid mercury
Photo by Jarosław Kwoczała on Unsplash

LIQUID MERCURY - According to the United States Postal Inspection Service, liquid mercury on its own or contained in various items, such as a thermometer, is prohibited in the mail.

50 Fantastic Facts About New York State

From America's Smallest Town to the birthplace of the potato chip, here are 50 fun and fantastic facts about New York State. Scroll through to see how many of these you already knew.

Gallery Credit: Karolyi

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Gallery Credit: Karolyi

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