Immigrant rallies in NJ cloud the issue
Monday May 1st is bringing more immigrant rights rallies from Jersey City to Newark. As director of an immigrant advocacy group, Sara Cullinane explains, "We're going to be standing together, all the diverse immigrant populations across New Jersey. It's a day where immigrants are coming together to show their strength."
Once again some organizers are calling for another nationwide boycott of businesses and schools, "A Day Without Immigrants Part 2" if you will. The idea is to show how America's economy would come crashing down without immigrants.
What boils my blood about this is the thinly veiled effort to stand for rights of ILLEGAL immigrants by grouping them in with all other immigrants. These groups may not want to draw those distinctions anymore, simply because it will help their cause by clouding the issue. I will draw that distinction for them. No one I know has any issue with people coming legally to this country who want to love America and become citizens. It doesn't matter to us where you come from. What matters to us is whether you're following the rules.
I've talked with plenty of first generation Americans, or their children, who are as offended by illegal immigration as I am. They know how hard they or their parents fought, the wait they had to endure, to do things legitimately. When they see illegals screaming for the same rights they have, they know these criminals have simply cut in line in front of them. You won't find these people at the rallies.
Those rallies were scheduled for 2:00pm at Lincoln Park in Newark with a march to the federal building on Broad Street, and at 2:30pm at Liberty State Park in Jersey City with candidates for governor Ray Lesniak and Phil Murphy scheduled to speak to suck up to the liberals.
Activists are appalling in their attempt to revise history and claim Trump and his supporters have an agenda of hate against immigrants. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is and has always been the cheating illegal immigrant population people take issue with.
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