If you could have one wish for New Jersey, what would it be?
This Sunday, Bill Spadea will be participating in the Walk for Wishes in Monroe to raise money for the Make A Wish NJ.
Big Joe Henry will be broadcasting live from the Make A Wish Castle. It's going to be a great time and you can sign up here if you'd like to register. As we get closer to the event, I asked my listeners and followers on social media: "If you could have one wish granted for the state of New Jersey, what would it be?" Of course cutting taxes, especially property taxes, were huge. Here's some more of what you came up with.
- Paul Larkin — Legal weed.
- Tommy Doggies Howell — Lower taxes, less corruption, more "open market" rules on mobile food businesses.
- John Vo — No more jug handles.
- Nick Palumbo Sr. — Less stringent gun laws so we can protect ourselves.
- Laura Madsen — Pot hole free roads.
- Kathleen Cahill Tintle — To live there again! I miss "Home!"
- Bill Tafrow — Self serve gas!....with you Bill!
- David Hershey — New Law. ALL public school teachers in NJ would be required to re-take SAT tests every 5 years. Any teachers scoring under the national average score would be terminated, and be sent for remedial classes at the nearby Community colleges. No Exceptions! Our students cannot hope to compete in this advanced technology world without the information shared by Educated, Intelligent, and Socially Correct Instructors.
- Steven Feldman — Rebuild Olga's on the overpass on Route 73 and make the right lane drive thru!
- Kitty Powell — To run into Bruce Springsteen.
- Gregory Coben — For people driving cars with New York plates to stop throwing their trash out the window while they're driving.
- Jamie Blake Steinberg Vita — Get rid of the jug handles.
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