Hunting season in New Jersey is right around the corner
My friend is an avid hunter and outdoorsman. I don't hunt anymore, not because I'm against it, it's just too complicated and expensive.
New Jersey has well over 50 deer hunting "zones" with a permit required for each zone and each form of hunting. If you're using a shotgun, muzzleloader, bow and arrow, etc. they all require a different permit. Each permit has a fee, of course, and you must have your paperwork with you or.....well you better not show up in the woods without it.
Now if you take a buck, that's the male deer with the antlers, you have to pay extra for that when you bring it to a check in station. If you don't do that in the proper time frame, then yes there is a big price to pay.
As you can see from the permits my friend purchased yesterday, he could use them as a tripwire if strung from one tree to another. The deer would trip over the long strip of permits and fall to the ground mortally wounding itself, thus eliminating the need to shoot it.
Almost every other state in the country makes it much easier with much less paperwork and permitting, usually just a license. In New Jersey you practically need a law degree to understand our regulations.
What you also may not know, is that you can hunt feral hogs (yes feral hogs in NJ!) in zones 25 and 65. That's parts of Burlington, Camden, Gloucester and Atlantic Counties. There are stipulations that go along with the new "game" to hunt, so I included a link on the new feral hog hunting regulations for your convenience.
Check out the zone map too in case someone asks you what deer zone you live in here in New Jersey. It's a good thing I don't hunt anymore or I might turn the gun on myself!
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