How Judi tortures Dennis on their night out
We often call the Papermill Playhouse in Milburn, New Jersey one of the hidden gems of New Jersey; A Broadway level theater right in our own backyard! Dennis and I are so thrilled every time we are invited out there to see a show and last night was no exception.
Halftime, a play about a bunch of people over 60 joining a basketball dance squad is poignant, hysterical, and so entertaining we just didn’t want it to end. You need to go see it whether you’re young, old or somewhere in between. And speaking of in between, we took advantage of the break in between acts to get out into the lobby and have some refreshments during intermission. And you know us! we had to spice up intermission, too. I promise this was not my idea but the drink stirrers were just calling my name!
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