It was the 19th century Scottish writer Alexander Chalmers who said to find happiness humans need something to do, someone to love and something to hope for. Over the years many have altered the last part to mean, something to look forward to. In this past year, most of the things we look forward to; holidays, vacations, entertainment, etc. has been restricted.

With the vaccine rolling out across the country and hopefully cases on the decline in the next couple of months, spring break is something to look forward to. You don't have to travel to Florida or the Caribbean or any other faraway place for a unique, fun getaway. How about a place in the country that's close to the ocean?

There is a place in Cape May called Beach Plum Farms that is offering great getaways for couples and families. The place sits on 62 acres and is in the country's oldest seaside resort of Cape May and is run by an amazing hospitality group called Cape Resorts. There is a variety of options for accommodations from historic Congress Hall in heart of Cape May, to private cottages on the 62-acre Beach Plum Farms.

Whether it's you and your significant other or a trip for the whole family, and you want to stay in New Jersey, this is an ideal choice. Since Cape May is on the ocean and at the southern tip of the state, spring comes a little earlier there than for the rest of us. They have a pretty liberal cancelation policy too, in case your situation changes. It certainly a new option worth checking out if you're looking for that "something to look forward to"!

Photo from Laura Cocivera
Photo from Laura Cocivera

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Dennis Malloy. Any opinions expressed are Dennis's own.

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