Labor Day is upon us, a federal holiday to recognize and honor the American labor movement. Not all labor is created equal.

Certain jobs are more unique to some states than others. How are we defining unique in this case? That there are more jobs of a particular type in one state than there are in the others.

For example, in which state would you expect to find a higher concentration of gambling manager jobs than any other state?

Right, Nevada. There are 31.8 times the number of gambling manager positions in that state than nationwide.


Where would you think you’d find the most motorboat operators? What would be a state that is made up of a series of islands not connected by bridges?

Hawaii is the right answer. There is a 45.4 times higher concentration of boat operator jobs in Hawaii than the national average.

Using data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 24/7 Wall St. figured out the most unique jobs in every state. So guess what New Jersey’s most unique job is.

New Jersey
Allen Stoner

I almost want to bet money that you’ll never guess it. I mean you try to think about what’s different about New Jersey, so maybe you’d guess pizza maker. Or toll collectors, even though they’re being replaced by electronic tolling. The pharmaceutical industry is big here. Maybe that?

No, no and no.

New Jersey’s unique job is…shampooer.

How lame is that?


Woman washing her hair

Now this term can mean two different jobs. A shampooer could mean the person in a salon who greets customers, sets appointments and washes a customer’s hair before handing them off to a stylist. This is often a part-time job. The other shampooer is what some call professional carpet cleaners.

Why would we have a greater concentration of either of those in New Jersey than the national average? What’s the takeaway here? That either our hair is greasier than the rest of the country’s or our homes are filthier?

According to 24/7 Wall St. the job of shampooer is 7.8 times more common here than the national average.

I think New Jersey is being insulted yet again. Though I’m not sure I’m the right candidate to figure this one out.

See the Must-Drive Roads in Every State

LOOK: Must-do activities at every national park

Stacker lists the must-do activities at every national park ranked by the annual number of visitors. 

Opinions expressed in the post above are those of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski only.

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