Fireworks in Trev’s yard!
I think the last time I lit firecrackers was when I was a teenager in Union City at say 15. We used to get them in China Town and bring them over. I remember the mats of packets, cherry bombs, m-80's, roman candles, and of course sparklers.
Last Sunday night with my sons having a sleepover with their friends and being given a bag of fireworks which are now legal in New Jersey, I set about to set them off- hoping to avoid a very special episode of "The Big Bang Theory." I actually thought about wearing a Jason Pierre Paul jersey.
We started with the "Faggaddabout it" bucket and proceeded to light "Everlasting Mayhem," wrapping it up with "Pure Evil." What else would you wrap it up with? Of course, no fireworks would be complete without kids with sparklers. I see the beginning of a new tradition at "Stately Trev Manor."
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