Ex-student arrested at home after NJ college goes into lockdown
🚨 A security guard was threatened by a former student Tuesday
🚨 The campus remained closed Wednesday
🚨 Karl V. Taguinod, 24, was arrested Wednesday afternoon at his home
NEWTON — A threat made by a former student to a campus security guard led to Sussex County Community College being closed Tuesday evening and all day Wednesday, officials said.
Newton police said the campus was closed as a precaution just before 7 p.m. and again Wednesday as the investigation continued.
The threatening statement was made while a student was having a mental health crisis, according to a statement by the school.
Karl V. Taguinod, 24, was arrested Wednesday afternoon at his home. He was charged with two third-degree terroristic threats charges and third-degree false public alarm. He is being held at the Morris County Jail.
"The college is grateful to our security team and law enforcement for working together to peacefully resolve this matter. We are also appreciative of community members who reached out with concern for the school and demonstrated great patience during this dynamic situation.
If you feel you or someone you know may be in crisis, call the National Suicide Prevention Hotline, 1-800-273-TALK, or the NJ Hopeline, 1-855-654-6735.
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