"Do-AC"...It's the weapon of choice in trying to re-brand the sagging gambling town's image by de-emphasizing gaming and focusing on other attractions in Atlantic City. But one expert says he has a hard time figuring out what the campaign's focus is.

Atlantic City Boardwalk

Gaming expert Roger Gros of "Global Gaming Business" magazine suggests the city do a better job in marketing itself. Gros calls the marketing campaign as it stand right now too, "nebulous."

He says he has no problem with the fact "Do-AC" is not about attracting gamblers by touting the gaming attractions.

That said, Gros explains, "You have to be pretty imaginative to really understand what Atlantic City is marketing here. There needs to be some sort of something that you can, 'hang your hat on.' "

Gros says hopefully, that will happen within the next few months as well.

He says among those people who don't come to Atlantic City right now, it's because they either have a bad perception of it or no perception at all, and this campaign should be changing that attitude. Gros says, "frankly I don't see that happening with this campaign."

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