Dennis’ protest to the protestors — ‘Don’t hurt your own cause’
I missed the tail end of the big protest at Philadelphia International Airport Sunday evening. I heard stories of people missing their flights and a woman who was pushed to the ground and suffered a head wound.
The signs were too "produced" and the amount of people too organized at one time to be a totally spontaneous event. This kind of chaos was played out in cities and airports all over the country and the world. Curious, no?
Well, whomever is behind these and whether they're authentic or not is up for debate. The one thing that seems certain in this new era of Trump, you can expect these kinds of protests on a fairly regular basis. I even decided to stage a protest of my own, with signs and all!
I decided on two hashtags for the cause. #GetInformedNotInflamed and #MissedFlightNotAlright. I think I got my message across, no?
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