Okay, I know not everyone celebrates Christmas. Many people however look at it like a secular/seasonal gift giving holiday and go along with the whole, Santa, Christmas Tree, Christmas music, Merry Christmas to all kind of feel and deal with it.

I'm not one of those people who thinks there's a "War On Christmas" and look to be offended by anyone saying "happy holidays" at the store. But for Christ's sake (literally and figuratively), if you're gonna sell Christmas cupcakes and Christmas Tree freakin' waffles can you call them that please?

Anyone buying these little goodies won't be put off by the title, and those that would, wouldn't go near these little treats anyway. So as I'm leaving the store with the unmentionable deserts, the bah humbug icing on the cake, I see a 12-year-old girl with a shirt that reads "SANTA STOP JUDGING ME!"

Hey little girl, the whole poi.......nevermind. Happy Monday everybody!

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