Craig Allen’s Random Photos from Everyday Life
There's a BIG world around us...how much of it do you really see in your daily life?
How much of it goes by...unnoticed?
As I have been saying here at nj1015.com, for years, I always have my camera with me!
Last weekend's blog photo (seen above...read the article by clicking HERE)....inspired me!
So, it occurs to me that we haven't taken a trip into photo "randomness" in a while...
Let's "lace 'em up," and get going!
First stop...the store!
This Jersey product is back in the news:
It says PORK ROLL. Not "Taylor Ham." What say YOU?
Sometimes, like above, I'm surprised by what I find at my grocery store (above and below)!
By the way, "National Record Store Day," featuring LOTS of vinyl...is coming!
As Easter approaches...its time to "solve" the...mystery!
Need a card for a special occasion?
This time...you're out of luck!
As we move along through the "random" world around us...
Who came up with these statistics?
Aren't illnesses also brought on by....our crazy Jersey "spring" weather?
We need some sort of...validity check!
Speaking of bulletin boards:
...our cars can double as mobile bulletin boards!
So can a door (minus the "mobile" part):
I like...
...the little "mutts" too!
In fairness...
Equal Opportunity Photo Op:
Need Wildlife?
I snapped the above photo moments before I scared her off, pulling up to the NJ101.5 building!
As I was leaving, I noticed...
...someone had left their "party supplies" at the NJ101.5 front door!
Didn't I just mention our New Jersey "Spring?"
The calendar says Spring...but, its still COLD out here in "Random Land!"
Hey...did you know that there's an expiration date on...
...Jumper Cables? Really?
I guess that we have been warned!
I feel better already!
Before I run out of...
..."time" on this excursion...
You only had ONE job to do...
...and you FAILED!
Til our next excursion into "randomness," do as the tattoos do:
Keep smiling!
"Peace Out!"
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