Christie Whitman’s going after Trump? Here’s what I say about her (OPINION)
There are pro-Trump Republicans, and anti-Trump Republicans. Former New Jersey Gov. Christine Todd Whitman is solidly in the latter camp.
As Jeff Deminski recounts, in a piece for the Star-Ledger, Whitman took aim at Trump's comments targeting "The Squad" — comments that have been broadly condemned by critics as racist and xenophobic.
Whitman wrote:
On Wednesday night, the president stood before a campaign rally audience that began chanting, “Send her back!” in reference to Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn. While he subsequently has denied that he encouraged that, for an extended period of time he basked in it and didn’t resume his speech until the chant died down on its own. How have we fallen this far that a mob would suggest forcefully sending an American citizen elsewhere as a result of her suggestions for improvements to our country?
But Jim Gearhart has a long memory — and recalls how when Whitman, as head of the EPA under George W. Bush, told 9/11 first-responders and others near the site of Ground Zero the air there was safe to breathe.
"People who live in glass houses ... you finish that line," Jim says in this week's episode of the Jim Gearhart Show, recorded LIVE each week in a special Facebook presentation at Facebook.com/NJ1015. Tune in at 10:30 a.m. each Thursday.
It's a statement Whitman later regretted, but a particularly unfortunate spot on her public resume given the recent groundswell of support for a fund that compensates first-responders suffering from illnesses born out of their exposure to 9/11 ash and debris.
That's just part of what Jim and Bob Williams take on in the latest installment of his podcast. Check out the full episode to hear the rest. And email Jim at Jim@NJ1015.com.
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