Can Murphy be defeated in 2021? (Opinion)
It’s unclear at this point whether Phil Murphy will be re-elected in 2021. A month ago, his poll numbers looked insurmountable as he continues to play the crisis actor pretending that his draconian lockdown "saved lives."
Of course, that’s a bit of a stretch considering it was his lockdown that is directly responsible for forcing COVID positive patients back into nursing homes mixing with thousands of vulnerable and New Jerseyans.
As we know, more than 6,000 of our parents, grandparents and other beloved family members exposed to the virus from this dangerous and deadly policy decision perished. Now the economy is struggling to get back off the ground as Murphy continues to lecture the rest of us on how to stay safe. Social distancing and masks have made for an untenable environment for many businesses. And they have started to turn on one another. Maybe that’s what Murphy wanted all along.
One shameful bar owner used a news report to attack a fellow bar owner and called on a local politicians to get them shut down. Sadly, the feckless cowards in Trenton, instead of shaming the whiners, will likely use the power of government to shut down those owners who reject the absurdity of cloth masks and indefinite social distance. Shame on state Senators Vin Gopal and Declan O’Scanlon. Both should be voted out when they are up for re-election.
Instead of fighting back for common sense, they bought in 100% to the absurdity of the governor's guidelines. As a result, many of these bars will fail as people "vote with their feet" and head to many of the great beaches and establishments to our south.
As far as 2021, there are no strong candidates who have emerged to challenge Murphy nor stand up to the mask-culture. So without a sensible candidate to help educate people and lead the opposition to the governor and with so many people still afraid to venture out, it’s more likely than not we’re gonna see Phil Murphy taking the oath once again in January 2022.

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Bill Spadea. Any opinions expressed are Bill's own. Bill Spadea is on the air weekdays from 6 to 10 a.m., talkin’ Jersey, taking your calls at 1-800-283-1015.
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