Campaign workers and the dreaded October knock
If you had to rank in order from least awkward to most, where would campaign workers fall on the list of uncomfortable doorstep encounters? Children fundraising for schools is tough to say no to, and you feel like a bad citizen of your town when you do. A Jehova's Witness proselytizing on your porch is awkward in a whole different way. You don't want to disrespect their beliefs but you're probably not open to changing your own. Salesmen are the least awkward. They're adults, and they are only in it for the profit. No, thank you. Done. They can take it.
Then there's the campaign worker.
I've never worked on any campaign in my life. I'm not beholden to one party or the other. I know exactly who I'm voting for this year, but I don't believe in this two party system and have often voted as an independent. I admire the campaign worker who hits the pavement and goes door to door. To believe in a cause that strongly to give up your time freely and to withstand what has to be a lot of nasty rejection is admirable.
But I don't want them at my door.
I usually know who I'm voting for by summer. There's no way a three minute door visit is going to sway me to change my mind. I read the news and pay attention to where they stand by looking up their histories (not so much paying attention to their ads) in order to make up my mind. Then I usually hold my nose and vote. To think the model of sending workers door to door actually pays off surprises me. I mean really, how many people even engage with these campaign workers? Invite them in, sit down for twenty minutes discussing politics? Does this ever happen? I would think it's all curt negative responses and doors closing a little too hard and too fast. The campaign worker who showed up at my home Sunday was telling me it's not just about which candidate, but also reminding people to get out and vote. Although I'm sure if they knew you were voting for the opponent they would take back those reminders in a heartbeat.
Even if the political signs will remain littering lawns and highways for months to come, at least the incessant knocking will end on November 6.
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