Battle Of The Imaginary Bands
When it comes to bands, the story behind the name is often great trivia. The Rolling Stones, heavily influenced early on by blues got their name from the title of a Muddy Waters song. Arcade Fire got their name from a lie. Win Butler explained a kid told him a story of a fire that swept through an arcade and it was a made up story, but at the time Win thought it was real. Did you know Fall Out Boy was actually the name of a short-lived character on the long running show The Simpsons? They weren't crazy about it and actually wanted to change the name of the band early on but it already stuck with their earliest fans.
So if you're going to have a band, you need a good name. Now if you have zero talent and will never be in a band, sometimes you still come up with a good name anyway. That's where we come in.
I thought of yet another name for a band just this morning when I was talking to my wife. We were talking about our son's hearing and a test he had gotten, and using the abbreviated slang for definitely I said, "Yep, def not deaf."
I seized on the possibilities immediately. Billboards! Marquees! Downloads! Tours! Oh yeah, no talent. But the point is, IF I ever had a band, Def Not Deaf is my new favorite name.
Then I asked Joe Votruba and Kylie Moore to jump in. Kylie's made up band name is Unsubscribe. She says she's had this idea for years. Unlike Joe Votruba, who made his up on the spot (and some will say it shows), Mouthwash Backwash.
And now... Battle Of The Imaginary Bands! Vote on the best imaginary band name.