Baby Deminski’s first steps caught on video
Cooper is 14 months old. For months now he's been standing and scaling the furniture. He's walked the entire house as long as he's had even one small finger to hold on to. He's been very hesitant to take those first real steps. Up until now he would take only one, the go back to the floor.
This weekend he finally realized he could do it and he started legitimately walking. Like so many other working parents I missed a lot of firsts. Jack, Mina and Atticus' first steps all happened when I was at work or running an errand. This is a first I finally got to see! Cooper's grandparents were over on Friday night. That's his PopPop sitting on the couch in the video, and me in the black jacket on the floor. Cooper took his first steps and I didn't even know my wonderful wife Aubree had grabbed her phone in time to capture it. I had no idea she was recording. I will never forget this moment when he took his first real steps and it was me he was walking to saying, "Dada."
I was so happy my wife and I got to see this moment together and that his grandparents were there too. Corny I know, but I feel like you are family so I wanted to share this personal video with you.
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