Are You Still Having Trouble Finding Work?
Earlier today on the Dennis and Judi show, Dennis opened a topic that really hit home to me. He wanted to know how hard it has been for recent college grads to find a job in their field in 2012. It seems to be such a common trend to graduate from a four year institution only to return home for the next few years and work at an establishment that does not require a college degree.
The people that called during this hour explained how tough it really is and gave plenty of reasons why this is so. Some voiced how the opportunities just are not in this area. Others voiced that they discovered if your field is not STEM (science, technology, engineering, or math) there is just no luck for you.
As a recent college grad from Temple University I know, first hand, that this is not completely true. I was fortunate enough to graduate with a degree in Communications, and within a couples months of receiving my diploma I was gainfully employed at New Jersey 101.5.
I realize that in this day in age I am more the exception than the rule, but towards the end of the hour we started to receive more callers having a similar experience to mine. What seemed to be the general consensus is that if you want to work in your field, no matter what it is, there is a way in. You may have to be willing to work for free until something opens up. You may have to do a job that you hate in order to open the door to the job you love.
Most importantly, employers recognize this "go- get it" attitude. It is very easy to tell when a person is willing to do anything to get in the door, versus someone who feels like "with a diploma comes a job."
While I was still on college and worried about where I would work following graduation I had the most extreme " ahh ha!" epiphany moment. I was standing right next to City Hall in Philadelphia. I was right in the midst of the hustle and bustle of Center City and looking up at all of the skyscrapers around me. The thought that changed my attitude was "with all of these skyscrapers there are literally thousands of people around me who are working. There are tens of thousands of jobs literally right where I am standing. These jobs cover all different types of fields because, after all, I am in the heart of a major city. My thought process was with all of this around me, you can't tell me that not one person decided to retire that day. You can't tell me that not one person is working on their last strike before being let go. With all of this opportunity, all I need is one job."
It was at that moment that I realized that by sheer numbers alone, there are still opportunities around me and it is my job to go get them. After this moment, rather than sending my resume online like everyone else, I showed up in a suit and talked to everyone in the building. I learned that if you are presentable, people will pretty much let you in anywhere. I stopped looking for a paycheck and simply chased a conversation. With conversations came contacts, and with contacts came employment. In a world immersed in technology and dependent on texting and social networking nothing will ever replace face-to-face communication. If you can master that, you will always stand a chance.
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