I’m a sucker for a clever business name. Months ago I even took a picture of a creative name for a septic company and did a story on it. You have to admit, naming it Stinky’s was daring. From the sports bar for Yankees fans called Buck Foston’s to a hair salon named Curl Up and Dye, Jersey has had some good ones.

I was stuck at a red light when I took this picture of the company car in front of me. I first noticed there appeared to be wire cages in the back. Then I looked down and saw this.

Jeff Deminski photo
Jeff Deminski photo

If you’re having a big problem with geese fowling your property (okay, fouling, sorry I couldn’t resist) then who you gonna call? Goosebusters of course. I looked them up and they’re a company based in Ewing and they use dogs to chase away your goose problem, thus the wire cages. Love this name!

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