A whole new ‘circle of hell’ — Speaking Millennial Podcast
By Jay Black
Dante was being a little too generous when he guessed that there were *only* nine circles of hell. There are probably closer to 9,000.
There’s the “It’s Thanksgiving and Uncle Greg has some political ideas he wants to drunkenly share with the family” circle. The “I dropped my cell phone in between my seat and the arm rest and it’s ringing and I’m driving but I can’t find it and I think I might have just gotten my hand caught down there” circle. And, of course, the “Person who is flying to the Seventh Annual Questionable Hygiene Conference is in the center seat of my row” circle.
The one we dealt with on this week’s “Speaking Millennial” podcast, though, might be my least favorite: The “We Can’t Get This Technology To Work” circle.
For the first 15 minutes of the podcast, we desperately tried to figure out a way to get Facebook to livestream our interview of the very funny owner of the Stress Factory Comedy Club (AND Speaking Millennial sponsor), Vinnie Brand.
Despite our best efforts — which, admittedly, involved looking at Bill’s iPhone, scrunching up our faces, then trying to live stream again without doing anything of substance — we were unable to get it to work for longer than a few minutes.
I know what you’re thinking: you’re mad that the TV-quality camera inside of the 5-inch rectangle in your pocket failed to magically broadcast your podcast to millions of people on the internet? Ten years ago, you couldn’t have even imagined doing something like that, let alone take it for granted that it would work! You should be happy that you got to broadcast at all!
To which I reply: I’m an American. It’s among our most solemn rights to complain about things that we have absolutely no right to complain about at all. (I’m still mad that there isn’t a constitutional amendment granting me a Monthly Oreo Cookie Stipend. But that’s a rant for a different day.)
It was disappointing that the live stream failed because of how proud we were of this episode. Vinnie Brand is hilarious and his stories and insights made for an hour that just zipped on by. We wanted to share it with as many people as possible!
So that brings us to this post. If you’re a fan of laughing and/or thinking, this week’s Speaking Millennial podcast is for you. Download it right here and please, if you’re enjoying it, share it with a friend (and if you’re hating it, share it with TWO friends).
Also, don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes so you can get it each and every week and also, rate and review us. We will be taking an episode soon to read all our reviews so if you want your name heard on the air, now’s the time to get reviewing!
As always: thanks for listening!
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