A brief history of some of New Jersey’s other nicknames
If you asked the average New Jerseyan what the state’s nickname, they will almost assuredly say, “The Garden State.” And they wouldn’t be wrong. But did you know that New Jersey has other nicknames? No, they’re not derogatory.
According to foodreference.com, New Jersey is also known as “The Clam State.” Since New Jersey is a coastal state, it’s not surprising that we would be known for a specific type of seafood, and the nickname refers not only to the ocean harvest, but also to the clams taken from the Delaware Bay.
Because of its prominence during the Revolutionary War, New Jersey is also known as either “The Crossroads of the Revolution” (on the state quarter) or, alternately, “The Pathway of the Revolution.” Of course, one of the most famous acts of the war occurred when General Washington crossed the Delaware River from New Jersey to defeat the Hessians on Christmas night of 1776.
One final note: New Jersey is also known by just half its name: "Jersey." As the New York Times points out, that makes us somewhat unique. New York is not called “York,” nor is New Hampshire called “Hampshire” or New Mexico called “Mexico.”
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