35 dogs rescued from ‘dilapidated’ home in Pennsville, NJ
PENNSVILLE — An animal rescue based in Delaware has removed 35 flea-infested dogs from a home on Newcomb Lane.
Renee's Rescues took control of the dogs over two days, Monday and Tuesday, after being notified by a concerned resident about the conditions of a nearby home.
"The property was dilapidated. It looked like a junkyard, essentially, on the property," said Renee Martini, founder. "There was a very strong odor coming from within 5 feet of the door or the windows, so we knew something was going on."
Rescuers were not permitted inside the home, but a man living there agreed to sign over the dogs to the rescue, admitting that "things had gotten out of hand," Martini said.
The dogs, all weighing in at less than 15 pounds, were immediately transported into veterinary care and are now being cared for at foster homes. Their ages range from a few months to 7 years.
"Based on the medical findings and based on my experiences as a vet tech, they have a long road ahead," said Renee Martini, founder of Renee's Rescues.
According to Martini, it'll be about three weeks before the dogs are healthy enough in order for them to be adoptable.
One dog, an 8-week-old puppy that rescuers have named Beast, wasn't expected to survive due to anemia from a severe flea infestation. But as of now, the dog is considered to be OK and is currently at a team member's home.
The final tab for the dogs' medical care is expected to amount to well over $10,000. Those interested in supporting Project Green can use this page.
New Jersey 101.5 is not aware of any charges against the residents of the home. Police in Pennsville have not yet responded to a request for comment.
Dino Flammia is a reporter for New Jersey 101.5. You can reach him at dino.flammia@townsquaremedia.com
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