15 Reasons why Texans should move to New Jersey
Who does Texas Gov. Greg Abbot think he is, trying to get people from New Jersey to move down there?
It was definitely a shot at Gov. Phil Murphy, who responded in the Dallas Morning News talking about how we're better educated, better located and make more money than the those living in the "Lone Star" state.
It says something that they only have one star, doesn't it? So I asked my listeners and followers to come with with things about New Jersey that would lure people from Texas up here. This is among what I received ...
Vickie Shaw: We got a Turnpike,farms, horses and Cape May
Shannon Elizabeth Davis: Jack Baker’s seafood restaurants and Princeton
Michelle Wood Florich: Smells great and such fresh air
Michael Beifeld: I'm guessing she hasn't driven by exit 13. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to the smell
Chris Baselice: Taxation WITH representation
Butch Budai: Free College, legal marijuana, safe haven for illegals, a good looking governor and PLENTY OF TAXES
Ron Zollars : Great Italian food, tremendous music scene, Jersey shore and close proximity to both NYC and Philly
Gina Vogt: Are you an illegal immigrant? Come on in we will take you! Oh and we will also pay for everything you need.
Ken Bozzelli : Less money to worry about
Greg Kahn: We will never run out of pizza
Brian Gregory: Best diners and record stores!!!
Tom Lamoreux You are free to enter NJ, but you will have to pay if you leave $$
Steve Tatz : Best beaches anywhere ... when they allowed to open ... as per the former governor.
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