What you would put in a New Jersey 101.5 vending machine?
Our vending machine here at New Jersey 101.5 is one of our most sacred items. It get us over the hump in our day. It rewards us when we do something good (even though we pay for it) and it cheers us up when we do something bad (something we'll also pay for). So when we were asked what we would like in our vending machine, I shared that question with both our radio audience and my social media following. My first thought was Taylor Ham jerky.
Here's what you came up with:
Chris McKelvey: "PORK ROLL!"
Andrew Satkowski: "Property Tax relief.....if only."
Tom Zola: "Cannoli."
Gina Vogt: "A get rid of Murphy button?"
Jason Lee Sklar: "A White House sub."
John Skinski: "Exit maps."
Jay El Payaso Watkins: "Recreational Marijuana."
Andrew Satkowski: "Big Joe Henry's weekly special from his cookbook."
Jason Vincent: "Box wine."
Carolyn Dee: "Parkway tokens."
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