Ballot question 1 was approved by a 2-to-1 margin Tuesday and ushers in a new era in New Jersey. We will soon have legalized marijuana for recreational use. Already people are thinking of creative business names. The Pot Hole to pay homage to our roads. The Ganja State is self-explanatory. Weed The People since it took a public vote and not the legislature.

We took a ridiculous dive down the rabbit hole on our show and started coming up with names for combo businesses (which won’t even be allowed).

A combo gym and dispensary - The Grunt and Blunt

A combo funeral home and dispensary - Grief and Leaf

Their less sensitive competitor - Reaper and Reefer

All that is well and good. But what about some terrific Jersey-themed names for strains of marijuana to celebrate this momentous week? Here are a few ideas:

Jersey Devil’s Lettuce

Stoned Harbor

Atlantic HIGHlands

Pork Roll ‘em If You Got ‘em

Stoney Soprano

Puff Puff EZPass


The Stoned Pony

Garden State Sparkway

And for Seth Rogan movie fans...Jersey Tomato Express

The post above reflects the thoughts and observations of New Jersey 101.5 talk show host Jeff Deminski. Any opinions expressed are Jeff Deminski's own.

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